Be Confident, Call Precision!
Every Door We Install Meets Florida Wind Code Requirements
Many of the Coastal Communities are part of the State's Wind-Borne Debris Region. During a severe storm or hurricane, wind speeds can reach & exceed 140+mph. Your Garage Door could be a vulnerable, risk-prone, part of your home. Protect yourself, your home and your belongings.
Protect Your Home Today!
All Garage Doors Are Hurricane Approved with many styles, models & options to select. Free New Door Quotes! Call Now.
We Handle The Permit Process!
Most areas require permitting and inspections and we ensure that the new door meets the local and state requirements for your specific area. We handle all the necessary engineering for approval from the local building department, complete the project to meet all code requirements, and handle all necessary inspections.
Your Garage Door is the largest opening in your home
During a storm, your home is vulnerable and at risk. Wind Pressure is often the most devastating factor in a storm.
If the garage door of your home is not compliant to Florida's stringent Wind Code Restrictions (Hurricane Approved) Wind Pressures can cause catastrophic damage to your home.
Garage Doors that have not been properly braced or are not Wind Code Rated may fail in Wind Speeds of 120mph & above.
Take Action Now! Call Precision
- Only Hurricane Approved Manufacturers for All Doors & Door Parts
- New Doors Fully Permitted & County Inspected
- Hurricane Door Reinforcing - Learn More
Now is the best time to secure your home. Don't wait for an approaching storm to consider the risks. We offer stylish choices and design options.
Precision Overhead Garage Door is fully licensed, insured and works only in compliance with Florida's Wind Code & Wind Velocity Restrictions. New Hurricane Approved Doors & Upgrades - Call Today! Enjoy the peace of mind it brings.